My primary teaching areas and interests are in physical chemistry, biophysical chemistry, applied math for chemists, and general chemistry.
I am also interested in science education in general, data-driven teaching practices, effective use of technology in the classroom, the flipped/blended class format, and gifted education.
Weekly Student Hours:
Fall 2023 (in-person until COVID decides otherwise): MF 1-2pm, W 9-10am
Zoom options are available if given advanced notice, email for link)
Current courses
Fall 2023
CHM506 Physical Chemistry Lecture I
Fall 2023

CHM498 Chemistry Careers
Fall 2023
Jobs! Or whatever you choose to do after graduation.

Courses taught
Chemistry for the Citizen Laboratory (CHM 107)
General Chemistry I, II (CHM 160, 170)
General Chemistry Laboratory (CHM 175)
Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry (CHM504 & CHM 505)
Physical Chemistry I & II (CHM506 & CHM507)
Physical Chemistry Laboratory I &II (CHM 508 & 509)
Chemical Symposium (CHM 398)
Undergraduate Research (CHM 399, 499)
Chemistry Careers (CHM 498)
Chemistry Colloquium/Chemistry Seminar (CHM 700/701)
Chemical Kinetics (CHM770)
Advanced Topics in Chemistry: Physical Biochemistry (CHM 690)
Fundamentals of Applied Mathematics for Physical Chemistry (CHM597/697)
Introductory Physical Chemistry for Biologists (CHEM 355 at Washington)