Educational Resources
Use of pedagogical innovations both in the classroom, laboratory and mentoring environments is a top educational priority for us. This includes active learning and flipped classroom activities, generation of technical video content and 3D printing technology for tactile interaction. Finally, offering humorous and non-traditional resources can assist with student motivation.

3D printed PDB files
We hired 3D Molecular Designs to custom 3D print PDB files (5HF7) of a DNA repair enzyme bound to DNA. A fantastic tool to help students visualize DNA-protein interactions and nucleotide flipping.

3D printing 2D NMR spectra
Use of 3D printing technology to create prints of 2D NMR spectra can help new learners visualize the data, as well as assisting learners with visual impairments. We published this work in 2019 in Concepts in Magnetic Resonance.